Another quality eBook from Chapel Library. Mortification - the work of killing sin - is an important part of the Christian life. Read these excellent selections from authors of prior centuries on the subject. This Free Grace Broadcaster includes these articles:
The Doctrine of Mortification by A. W. Pink (1886−1952): an overview of the Biblical teaching of mortification and the call to holiness.
The Nature of Mortification by John Flavel (c.1630−1691): a description of what mortification is not and what it is.
Identifying Beloved Lusts by Benjamin Needler (1620-1682): how to search out and identify right−eye sins to pluck out and right−hand sins to cut off.
Only a Christian Can Mortify Sin by Horatius Bonar (1808-1889): people from all walks of life try to stop sinning, but only a believer can truly mortify his sin, and that through the Cross of Jesus Christ.
Directions for Mortification by John Owen (1616-1683): a helpful discussion of the Gospel weapons a believer may use to war against his sin.
Mortifying Sin by the Holy Spirit by David Martyn Lloyd−Jones (1899-1981): mortification cannot be accomplished by the power of the flesh; the believer must have the Spirit’s power and an understanding of union with Christ.
Dangers of Not Mortifying Sin by Ezekiel Hopkins (1634-1690): a powerful exhortation not to neglect mortifying one’s lusts.
Gospel or Legal Mortification? by Ralph Erskine (1685-1752): in the crucial battle against indwelling sin, the believer must use Gospel weapons.
How May I Know If I Am in a State of Mortification? by Christopher Love (1618-1651): an examination of the marks of Holy Spirit empowered mortification.