Warning: There is wood protection oil plated inside the wood for durability and to prevent wood. The manufacturer has tried to reduce the smell of the oil as much as possible by baking wood. However, it may be left some smell. You can put it in the open air for 2-3 weeks to reduce the unpleasant smell. As we use coconut oil to nourish the external surface, you can use oil or wax for its beauty and durability when the surface begins to dry.
How to use: Hold the wooden frog by its front feet tightly. Use the playing stick by holding on to the tapered tip side to rub its back from the back to front. If you change the tool such as metal, plastic, or glass, the sound will be changed and produced different frequencies.
Size and material: 8 cm./ 3.25" x 12 cm. / 4.75" (measured from the mouth to the tip of the hind leg) This musical instrument is a natural wood product by drilling a hollow in the middle to make its sound. You will enjoy its fresh chime. It is a musical instrument that miraculously mimics the sounds of frogs in nature. And if you play many of them at the same time, it will be like hearing the frog families singing in front of your front yard.
Cautions and advice: Do not put in your mouth. It is for children to develop the development of their senses such as hands and arms. The children can enjoy their music skills. Moreover, we can also insert various knowledge of teaching such as the sound of nature, animals sound, and livelihood.
Use: It is suitable for family recreational activities, lectures, or using as a soundtrack, sound effects, and expressions, talent show on social media, including decoration for your room.
Manufacturer warrenty for 7 days from date of purchase.