From English to Swedish 1: A basic Swedish textbook for English speaking students
From English to Swedish 1 & 2 is a series of textbooks for English speaking students who would like to learn Swedish. Unlike most Swedish textbooks they provide vocabulary lists, grammar explanations and text commentaries in English. To help the reader learn Swedish pronunciation, a series of videos linked to the books is available on YouTube (see From English to Swedish 1 - A basic Swedish textbook for English speaking students (ISBN-13: 978-1512188561, ISBN-10: 1512188565) covers level A1 of the European CEFR-scale. From English to Swedish 2 - An intermediate Swedish textbook for English speaking students (ISBN-13: 978-1533422156, ISBN-10: 153342215X) covers level A2. The texts of the two books tell the story of an American girl who comes as an exchange student to live in a Swedish family. She struggles to learn Swedish and adapt to Swedish culture, but in the process runs into a number of cultur clashes, all based on the authors’ real life experiences. Ã…ke Daun, professor of ethnology from Stockholm University and a specialist in Swedish mentality, has examined the first book and describes the way it introduces Swedish mentality as "innovative and entertaining". To facilitate the student’s learning the books take advantage of the close relationship between English and Swedish. Many of the words appearing in the texts are similar to their English counterparts. Having finished both books, the student will have acquired a vocabulary of slightly more than 1,500 words including 57 % of the 2,000 most frequent words of the Swedish language as defined by SprÃ¥kbanken (the Language Bank), a data base published by the University of Gothenburg. In an appendix to book 1, the similarities between English and Swedish are explained from an historical perspective, and over 300 related words from different areas are presented. Each chapter in the books contains a short grammar section presenting essentials in Swedish morphology and syntax. All grammatical terms, except the most common ones, are explained. At the end of each book there is a grammar overview with definitions of concepts and references to relevant chapters. Each lesson includes a number of exercises, where students are encouraged to practice their newly gained grammar knowledge, repeat vocabulary, and answer questions in connection with the texts. As the students’ vocabulary develops, the questions become increasingly open-ended in order to stimulate reflection and discussion in class. Furthermore, a number of songs with simple vocabulary are included, mainly children's songs by classic song-writers. Finally, each book contains answers to the exercises and a complete alphabetical glossary. Judgments about From English to Swedish 1: â€I'm just learning Swedish, and this book is wonderful. The style & methodology are ideal. Highly recommend.†(Amazon, USA) â€I've tried to start learning Swedish several times with at least 4 books, and finally I've found one that is didactic enough to keep me going! Very natural way of teaching, the closest thing I've seen to have a teacher that prepares a class for you. I'm already looking for the 2nd book!†(Amazon, Spain)