From Me to We
Engaged? Soon-to-Be Engaged? Or Just Thinking about Building a Healthy, Vibrant, Godly Life Together as Husband and Wife? . . .
Marriage is not for the faint of heart.
Men, look at Ephesians 5:28: €œSo husbands ought also to love their own wives as their own bodies. He who loves his own wife loves himself.€Â
Men, are you ready to make a commitment such as this?
Ladies, are you ready to hop on his train? Consider Ephesians 5:22: €œWives, be subject to your own husbands, as to the Lord.€Â
How are you both going to work out that verse as a couple? Anyone fighting yet?Â
From Me to We is a transparent, surprisingly honest, and widely informative guide that will inspire readers to safeguard their marriage by tackling tough questions and issues before they say, €œI do.€ Lucille Williams, pastor's wife and trained Prepare/Enrich Marriage Facilitator, offers straight-talk about marriage with unprecedented insight as well as challenges and discussion questions€"a must-have tool for premarital counseling. This compelling, entertaining, and insightful guide covers topics including the all-important question of Why are you getting married? as well as forgiveness, communication, expectations for marriage, baggage, sex, and money€"all from a biblical perspective.Â