Courtroom Of Heaven To The Throneroom of Grace: Come into the Courts of Heaven
As a born again christian, I had never given the Courtroom of Heaven a thought.Then in answer to a prayer for our daughter, who was backslidden the Lord gave me a dream.
The dream contained a strategy to use in the Courtroom of Heaven on her behalf. As a result she was set free and restored.
Included in this book is the dream, and the strategy that can be used to win your specific petition in the Heavenly Court.
Show up where the accuser of the brethren does not expect you, and win your case!
The following is a book review that I was informed about on It says this book is for praying in the unbeliever, but this book is truly for all of us believers too. We need to be visiting the Courtroom of Heaven everyday. It is the most wonderful place to be and the Lord is waiting for us there. We can change the world through our prayers in the Courtroom.Jeanette is a member of 2 large prayer networks in the State of Michigan. Breakthrough Apostolic Ministry Network and Heartland Apostolic Prayer Network. She is ordained through Gospel Crusade Ministries Int'l .
She is a member of the Handmaidens of the Lord organization and a member of Aglow Int'l.