Master the entire range of functions and effectively leverage them
Acquire the knowledge necessary to write your own functions
Combine and nest built-in functions, subprocedures, C functions, and IBM APIs to produce highly modularized programs
Understand ILE concepts such as binding by copy, binding by reference, import/export of data, service programs, signatures, and binding directories
Written especially for programmers adopting a free-format style, this manual explores the role of functions in writing RPG IV programs. Demonstrating the potential of functions, many topics are explored such as details about existing RPG IV built-in functions, writing new functions, using ILE concepts to use C functions, and utilizing IBM API’s functions. Explaining how to write small programs, either as sub-procedures or modules, and how to gather those parts together to make programs that are easy to write and maintain, this is a natural next step for programmers familiar with a free-format style of coding.