On a warm August evening in Detroit, the people gathered... The line wrapped around the building with those full of anticipation of what was to come. Bishop J. Drew Sheard's presentation of GEI LIVE recording definitely further solidified Detroit s spot on the map as a premiere city in gospel music. It has been over 20 years since GEI recorded live and Bishop Sheard barred no expense to ensure the success of this project! Singers like the legendary, multiple Grammy award winning Clark Sisters, one of the top female gospel groups of all time.. Kierra Sheard, iconic Grammy nominated, multiple Stellar & Dove award winning songstress who fuses a contemporary sound with a traditional message. Produced by the dynamic J. Drew Sheard II(multiple Dove Award winning, Grammy &? Stellar nomimated) & writer Derrick Starks(BMI Trailblazer Songwriter of the Year, Stellar & Dove nominated).