GRBL/PARALLEL: Converting Grbl to drive a Parallel Port CNC machine
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GRBL/PARALLEL: Converting Grbl to drive a Parallel Port CNC machine
For the Maker out there with a CNC (Computer Numeric Control) machine, you know the world has entered into the age of Web 2.0 yet you and your perfectly good parallel port machine have been left behind. However there is no reason for this, with the advent of Grbl and the Arduino board. It is now easy to convert most parallel port CNC machines to use next generation tools like EASEL (tm) and Chilipeppr with only a handful of commonly found connectors, wire and a soldering iron. In addition, this eBook will also walk you though the basic setup of Grbl to help you get things up and running quickly even if you are a newbie. Also, it will also take some of the mystery out of the JSON server which many of these tools use to connect Grbl to the internet. So if you have been pining over these Web 2.0 CNC tools but just can't seem to justify buying a whole new machine or tossing out your perfectly good but dated electronics, this book is likely for you!