GRE Word Problems (Manhattan Prep GRE Strategy Guides)
Manhattan Prep’s 4th Edition GRE Strategy Guides have been redesigned with the student in mind. With updated content and new practice problems, they are the richest, most content-driven GRE materials on the market.
Written by Manhattan Prep's high-caliber GRE instructors, the GRE Word Problems strategy guide analyzes the GRE's complex math word problems and provides structured frameworks for attacking each question type. Master the art of translating challenging word problems into organized data through a complete review of algebraic translations, ratios, statistics, probability, and more. Each chapter provides comprehensive coverage of the subject matter through rules, strategies, and in-depth examples to help you build confidence and content mastery. In addition, the guide contains "Check Your Skills" quizzes as you progress through the material, complete problem sets at the end of every chapter, and mixed drill sets at the end of the book to help you build accuracy and speed. All practice problems include detailed answer explanations written by top-scorers!