Garden Journal and Planner: Your Garden Records, Thoughts, Plans, and Pictures -- Complete In One Package
How many times have you asked yourself such questions as: "When did I fertilize the . . . ?" "Where did I plant the . . . ?" " How long did it take the . . . seeds to sprout?" "How did that new hybrid variety of . . . work out?" "Where did I buy that spray for . . . ?" "Which kind of . . . were the best producers?" "Where did I put those plans for my new patio garden?" "Where is that great photo of my beefsteak tomatoes?"
Wouldn't it be nice to get organized? To stop the endless searching? To have one place to keep all your important garden information? To have that information at your fingertips?
The good news is: Help is on the way. Enter the GARDEN JOURNAL and PLANNER.
Unlike other journals or planners, the GARDEN JOURNAL and PLANNER is complete. It's your all-in-one tool for planning your garden, organizing and tracking your garden activities, and recording everything you want to remember about your garden.
What's more, the GARDEN JOURNAL and PLANNER supplies grid paper, sketching paper, and pages for displaying pictures and photos. Thus the Journal/Planner is not just for writing. It enables you to create a VISUAL as well as a WRITTEN record of your garden.
The GARDEN JOURNAL and PLANNER is divided into two major sections: JOURNAL and PLANNER.
Each month of the JOURNAL features:
* A list of suggested garden tasks for that month
* A page for your monthly to-do list
* Journal pages for everything you want to record about your garden
The Journal was designed for flexibility. You may begin any day of any month. You write in the dates. There is no need to wait until January 1 to begin.
The PLANNER features:
* Grid paper for planning your garden
* Blank pages for sketching, displaying your garden photos  and more!
* A section to record your garden suppliers and keep track of your orders
The GARDEN JOURNAL and PLANNER is an invaluable gardeners' companion, whether your garden is in the beginning stages or is well-established.
It is an indispensable tool for today's gardener.
Begin now. Once you start using the GARDEN JOURNAL and PLANNER, you'll wonder how you ever gardened without it!