The Better-Answer Ball Update your answers for today's better questions with the Geek Ball, a 21st C. version of the Octo-Ball but with (20) PC, IM and gamer-related answers, including FAIL, WIN, meh, 404 error, LOL, PWND, ? and even better ones. O RLY? Yes. RLY. Can you has this? Yes, you CAN HAS if you has a lousy (8) bucks.
The Better-Answer Ball Update your answers for today's better questions with the Geek Ball, a 21st C. version of the Octo-Ball but with (20) PC, IM and gamer-related answers, including FAIL, WIN, meh, 404 error, LOL, PWND, ? and even better ones. O RLY? Yes. RLY. Can you has this? Yes, you CAN HAS if you has a lousy (8) bucks.