Gemstones: Your Guide
Quartz. Diamond. Ruby. Tourmaline. Do you know what these words mean? Yes? No?
Don't worry; this book is here to help. If you are interested in learning more about the numerous different gemstones of the world, this book can help point you in the right direction. There is a lot to know about the world of gemology, but this book will make things a little easier for you.
Whether you want to gain insight into the way that other cultures have viewed gemstones throughout the ages, or want to know which is the best gemstone to open up your creative senses with, Gemstones of the World is here to help. This book covers many of the most popular gemstones and gives useful information about each one, along with plenty of interesting anecdotes to go along with them.
Whether you are a beginner looking to get their start in the world of collecting, selling, or using stones, or you're an expert that just always needs to be furthering their knowledge on the subject, Gemstones of the World is a quick and easy reference guide for everyone.
There's a whole world inside these little beautiful stones. Care to take a look inside?