German Short Stories for Beginners 10 Modern & Hilarious Short Stories to Grow Your German Language Skills, Vocabulary & Learn German the Easy Way: German edition book 1 of 2
Learn German the fun way by reading hilarious and modern German short stories written by a talented German author.
Students can deepen their understanding of the German language by following the step-by-step process in this book. The amusing German short stories will help you to grow your vocabulary and improve your comprehension of the language.
This book will give you clear instructions on how to successfully improve your reading skills. The short stories are divided into easy-to-follow chapters, and each story is followed by summaries, vocabulary lists, translations and multiple choice exercises.
The following short stories are fun to read and will ignite your imagination:
1. Abenteuer in der Sauna - Adventures in the Spa
2. Eine religiöse Familie - A religious family
3. Crowdfunding für eine neue Küche - Crowfdfunding for a new kitchen
4. Die alte Trinkerin - The old drunkard
5. Partnersuche auf der Kreuzfahrt - Dating on a cruise trip
6. Der Grillabend - The barbecue evening
7. Amerikaner in Deutschland - Americans in Germany
8. Der Einsiedler - The hermit
9. Der Schatz im Wald - The treasure in the woods
10. Die polnische Putzfrau - The Polish charlady
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