During a childhood dominated by a sometimes violent father, whose unpredictable mood swings were fuelled by alcohol, Fiona Roberts took comfort from the knowledge that the Spirit World was watching. She knew. She could see 'them'. Her first encounter with a spirit person came at the age of four, when a 'woman in black' appeared in front of her. This book will bring comfort to those who would like to believe that there is no death, and that they will one day be reunited with their loved ones - human or animal. "There has never been a time in my life when I did not know that there is a life after death, and indeed a life before life. I grew up knowing that - no one had to tell me. And I grew up knowing that it is possible for those who now live on in the Spirit World to contact us here in the material world. I cherish the contact that I have had, throughout my life, with 'the other side'." 'Ghost of a Smile' is the first part of Fiona Roberts' own, unique story. The trilogy is entitled 'Memories from a Medium's Life'. 'Voices' , the second part, is also available. A much longer book, 'Voices' contains true stories and anecdotes from Fiona Roberts' psychic experiences, plus fascinating examples and explanations of some of the more common forms of communication with the Spirit world. 'Voices' will answer your questions and make you think. A compelling read, for skeptic and believer alike. Featured in the prominent Spiritualist magazine 'Two Worlds' and on 'Spirit Radio'. And now the third book in the series has been published. 'The Curse - Memories from a Medium's Life' contains more fascinating encounters with Spirit people and animals, and extracts from particularly memorable readings. See all Fiona Roberts' books, and read excerpts from them, at: www.spanglefish.com/fionaroberts