Everyone loves Pets! Now your Gift'ems friends can have one too!
There are 6 different Gift'em Girls & Pets from 6 different countries!
Will your Gift'em come with a regular Pet, or a fun colored Pet. It is a surprise! which will you get?
Includes: - 1 Gift'em girl - 1 Gift box - 1 Pet - 1 Pet carrier - 1 Collector Poster
Collect them all!
Gift'ems, A gift of friendship, a World of Friends! Everyone loves Pets! Now your Gift'ems friends can have one too! There are 6 different Gift'em Girls & Pets from 6 different countries! Will your Gift'em come with a regular Pet, or a fun colored Pet. It is a surprise! which will you get? Includes: - 1 Gift'em girl - 1 Gift box - 1 Pet - 1 Pet carrier - 1 Collector Poster. Collect them all! Recommended for ages 4+