☯ PURE, NATURAL, COMPLETE - Each of our oils is 100% pure, natural, and complete. This means that no other essential oil, vegetable oil, or synthetic materials has been added, and we guarantee that nothing has been taken out unless labeled otherwise. See www.geoessential.com for GC/MS/FID test results.
☯ TRACE OUR OILS - Each bottle contains a unique tracking number, which allows you to track the natural oil back to the very farm from which it was harvested. This way, you know exactly what is contained in your essential oil.
☯ NATURAL AROMAS - Because we have not tampered with our essential oils, each contains its own natural smell. We have not added other materials or ingredients to enhance the oil's natural aroma.
☯ FREE SHIPPING - Shipping is free for residents within the Continental United States. Normally 3-5 days to deliver.