An anthology of world mysticism with a special focus, this guidebook presents inspired passages from the world€s greatest saints and scriptures which proclaim the truths central to all religions in a poetically distilled and positive form.
They have been chosen for purity of expression, clarity, positive vision, universality, and for a practical immediacy which makes them translatable into daily life.
When we read the words of the inspired passages collected in this book, reflect on them, write them out, memorize them, and meditate on them with profound concentration, they have the capacity to sink deep into our consciousness, alive with the original charge of mystical awareness which first drew them forth.
This book is organized to support various levels of engagement with the carefully chosen selections of transforming pieces.
New in this edition:
• Nearly twice the number of passages.
• Brief instructions in how to use these powerful selections for daily meditation.
• Tips for memorization.
• A guide to choosing passages to shed unwanted habits or face life challenges.
• Instructions in "Lectio Divina" – a style of study found in all major traditions.
• Background notes about individual scriptures and mystics.
• New cover