Good Sex: A Christian and a Pagan Discuss Sexual Ethics
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Good Sex: A Christian and a Pagan Discuss Sexual Ethics
Good Sex presents sexual ethics in the light of faith. Speaking on behalf of Christianity, Buss describes "love your neighbor as yourself" as the only Christian "rule"; it is a positive rule rather than one that focuses on prohibitions. Since this call is never fulfilled in practice, it is joined by forgiveness for oneself and others. More concrete guidelines need to be aided by "wisdom" which is not specifically Christian. Detailed biblical support is provided at the end. Stipe, a contemporary Pagan, advocates respect for all living things and doing no harm as a minimal ethical guide, leaving positive prescriptions to individual judgment. Buss and Stipe discuss details of sexual ethics in largely positive terms-what is good to do-but also with a concern for problems that should be avoided. They agree in many practical matters, just as Christians and Pagans did many years ago, before sexual equality became an ideal. They discuss various kinds of sex, including seeing and being seen, touching, masturbation, and penetration; different sexual identities; committed and uncommitted relationships, including the advisability of extended relations; having and raising children; abortion; and sensuous awareness in a spiritual setting.