Grassroots Post-modernism resolutely attacks the three sacred cows of modernity - the idea that there is only one, universally valid way of understanding social reality; the exclusive and general validity of Western-defined notions of 'human'; and the notion of the self-sufficient individual, as opposed to people-in-community - that have so grotesquely warped hour view of the human condition.
Esteva and Prakash argue that even alternative development prescriptions deprive the people of control over their own lives, shifting this control to bureaucrats, technocrats, and educators. Rather than presuming that human progress fits some predetermined mold, leading toward an increasing homogenization of cultures and life styles, the authors argue for a 'radical pluralism' that honours and nurtures enables many paths to the realization of self-defined aspirations.
This classic text is essential reading for those looking beyond Neoliberalism, the global project and the individual self.