Growing Up Green: Living, Dying, and Dying Again as a Fan of the New York Jets
Andrew Goldstein delved into the world of football at age five and, through a mistake that is equal parts painful and wonderful, somehow ended up rooting for the New York Jets. Thirteen years later, he decided to write a book about it. The uplifting, disheartening, wonderful, awful, hilarious, and generally crazy experiences in the middle? They're all in the pages of this book. Growing Up Green is an attempt to shed a little bit of light on what it means to be a sports fan, and how the fan experience shapes us throughout our lives. This story will be told not through the lens of an expert, but from the perspective of a regular football fanatic who bleeds green and white. Along the way, you'll either discover or re-discover the inner workings of a sports fan's mind, and have a heck of a good time doing it. If you're a diehard, a casual fan, have the slightest bit of curiosity in what it means to be a fan, or are Andrew Goldstein's immediate friends and family, then this book is for you.