127 pages | A lavishly illustrated guide to the famous museum in Florence, complete with maps of each room, and detailed discussions of each masterpiece. Sections include: Entrance Hall; Room I: Formerly called the room of the Vase (now in the Louvre); Room II: Called the room of the sun; Room III: room of Apollo and Daphne; IV: called the Gallery or room of the emperors; V: room of the Hermaphrodite; VI: room of the gladiator; VII: Egyptian room; VIII: room of Silenus; Entrance to the Picture Gallery Floor; IX: Room of Dido, formerly room of the three graces; X: room of Hercules or room of sleep; XI: Ganymede; XII: room of Bacchanti; XIII: fame; XIV: Gallery of Lanfranco, 1624-1786; XV: room of Aurora; XVI: room of Flora; XVII: room of the Story of the Count of Angers; XVIII: room of Jupiter and Calliope; XIX: room of Paris and Helen; XX: room of Psyche, formerly of the Centaur. Includes selected bibliography and alphabetic index of names.
Edizioni De Luca Srl for the Minister of Culture and the Environment