Habanero Madness
More than 100 recipes incorporating the awesome habanero pepper. Powerful Starters, Sizzling Side Dishes, The Flaming Main Course, Savory Sauces and Spreads, Homemade Habanero Hot Sauces, Scorching Salsas, Sweet and Spicy, Vinegars and Infusion, and More. BRING ON THE HABANERO HEAT! From the Introduction... Habanero peppers weren’t very popular where I grew up. They simply weren’t well known in the United States outside of small subgroups of people who loved to walk the line of fiery foods. The hottest thing you could find at the grocery store was the excellent Serrano pepper, or perhaps the ubiquitous jalapeno. Anyone who knows me knows that I adore the jalapeno pepper. I’ve dedicated several cookbooks to them, but as one moves from dabbling with chili peppers to cooking with them daily, you can’t help but graduate to hotter and hotter peppers. Hence, the habanero. Today, habaneros are everywhere. While not as popular as the jalapeno, stop anyone on the street and ask them if they’ve ever tried a habanero. Many people have. You no longer need to visit the local Mexican grocer to find your cache of habaneros. The local supermarket carries them. I’ve see them in every supermarket chain in my own town. I find them in vacation towns. They’re easy to locate when you want to cook with them. If you’re like me, you’ve also graduated to habanero levels and possibly beyond. This book is for you. It doesn’t mean you’re capable of, or in the general mood to, chomp down an entire raw habanero pepper. Who wants that? I certainly don’t. But again, if you’re like me, you want spice. You want heat. And you want true flavor. Habanero peppers have all of this. They not only bring the spice and heat, but they offer some of the best and most unique flavors around. In this book we focus on a bit of habanero history and information, but primarily on how to cook with the habanero pepper. We have recipes for every type of meal, from breakfast, lunch and dinner, to sauces, salsas and more. Do we have desserts covered? Yes! We know you like your sweets nice and spicy as well. I hope you enjoy the book and the recipes.