This book is designed to provide in-depth knowledge of Hadoop components. It will equip you to apply for a job as a Hadoop Developer right from beginner to mid-level positions. The concepts are written in easy to grasp manner with program examples, which will be apt for anyone who want to solidify their understanding. It is packed with over 400 interview questions with answers. This book is also a good starting point for anyone who wants to venture into the Hadoop field from other IT fields. The chapters €˜Ch1. Introduction to Hadoop€, €˜Ch2. HDFS€ provide you with the introduction to core concepts in Hadoop. If you have strong programming experience then €˜Ch3. MapReduce/Yarn€ and creating UDFs in €˜Ch7. Hive€ and €˜Ch9. Pig€ are easy to grasp. While if you have strong expertise in XML then Chapters like €˜Ch4. Flume€ and €˜Ch6. Oozie€ will be easy to understand. Strong SQL background will make understanding €˜Ch5. Sqoop€, €˜Ch7. Hive€ and €˜Ch8. Impala€ easy. €˜Ch10. Java Refresher for Hadoop€ will help you refresh you Java knowledge.