Haiku: Learn to express yourself by writing poetry in the Japanese tradition (Asian Arts and Crafts For Creative Kids)
In this multicultural children's book, readers will learn to create haiku—elegant and simple Japanese poems.
Haiku uses images from nature to make a statement or capture a moment. Haiku are short, but powerful expressions—making them easy and fun to write and share with your friends.
The activities in this book will show the seven keys to creating your own haiku, and will help you to get started, think up memorable words and images, and write the three short lines that make up a great haiku. With clear expressions and many examples, this is a great way to have fun while you explore the fascinating aspect of Japanese culture.
Kids will learn to write:
Their first haiku
Haiku about nature
Haibun—haiku with a short story
Haiga—haiku with a drawing
Renga—haiku written to friends.
About the Series: The Asian Arts & Crafts for Creative Kids series is the first series, aimed at readers ages 7-12, that provides a fun and educational introduction to Asian culture and art. Through hands on projects readers will explore each art—engaging in activities to gain a better understanding of each form.