Handwriting Without Tears My Printing Book - Draw and Write Wide Double Line Writing Notebook - with Alphabet Desk Strips, Pencil for Little Hands, and Eraser - Kindergarten and First Grade Kit
This workbook is for first grade students or those working at that level. With this occupational-therapist-designed program, children with visual, perceptual, fine-motor and other processing problems learn to write neatly and legibly. What's the big deal? Handwriting Without Tears (HWT) utilizes a two-lined approach to handwriting, providing a simple but clearly successful style. This style is developmentally based, works for children of all abilities, is easy to teach and is multi-sensory. Handwriting Without Tears is also "lefty" friendly and includes easy-to-learn steps for readiness, printing and cursive with both teacher and students manuals. Give your kids the chance to be successful writers. My Printing Book Grade 1 Workbook. Created specifically for Grade 1 writing. Used by Occupational Therapists to help children learn to write neatly and legibly. Easy to learn steps for printing.Great PreK and First grade curriculum.