microtivity IL188 5mm Assorted Clear LED w/ Resistors (8 Colors, Pack of 80)
RHX 125pcs 25 Values Total Electrolytic Capacitors Assortment Kit 1uF to 2200uF
microtivity IB400 400-point Experiment Breadboard
Sparkfun 500 1/4W Resistor Kit
SparkFun FTDI Basic Breakout - 5V
4AA Battery Holder - w/Wires and Switch
ARDUINO A000066 Uno R3 DIP Edition, 1.5"
100 x 2N2222 NPN TO-92 Plastic-Encapsulate Power Transistors 75V 600mA
ARDUINO UNO R3 [A000066]
E-Projects EPC-103 16 Value Resistor Kit, 10 Ohm - 1M Ohm (Pack of 400)