Thomas Balinger Harmonica Songbook Hymns & Songs of Worship
A great collection of hymns and songs of worship arranged for Blues Harp (10-channel diatonic harp, system Richter) in C. Since this book is aimed at the beginning to intermediate player, all songs are arranged for easy playing, meaning you can play them without having to master advanced playing techniques like bending and overblowing first. All songs feature additional Harp tablature making them ideally suited for beginners and players who don't read standard notation. Guitar chords and chord diagrams are included to all the songs. So, if you happen to have any guitar playing friend(s), you can start playing these songs together right away!
Songs 1. Abide with me 2. All creatures of our God and king 3. All hail the power of Jesus' name 4. Amazing grace 5. A mighty fortress is our god 6. Angels from the realms of glory 7. Angels we have heard on high 8. Be Thou my vision 9. Come, Thou fount of every blessing 10. Down at the cross (Glory to His name) 11. Fairest Lord Jesus 12. Give me that old time religion 13. Holy, holy, holy 14. How firm a foundation 15. I need Thee every hour 16. I surrender all 17. It is well with my soul 18. Jesus paid it all 19. Joyful, joyful we adore Thee 20. Joy to the world 21. Just as I am 22. Leaning on the everlasting arms 23. My faith looks up to Thee 24. My hope is built on nothing less 25. Nearer, my God, to Thee 26. Near the cross 27. Nothing but the blood 28. O holy night 29. Rock my soul 30. Saviour, like a shepherd lead us 31. Shall we gather at the river 32. Silent night 33. Swing low, sweet chariot 34. Take my life and let it be 35. The battle hymn of the republic 36. The first Noel 37. Wayfaring stranger 38. What a friend we have in Jesus 39. When I survey the wondrous cross