Glen's passion for ramps is so great that you can almost smell the ramps as you read his writing! Glen spent a lifetime observing ramps in their natural environment and learning how best to grow them. How fortunate we are that he then chose to share his vast knowledge in a book that is not only incredibly informative but is also an absolute joy to read. With humor and a delightful West Virginia accent, Glen tells you all about the plant and its history and life cycle; where to find it; how to grow, harvest, and ship; how to cook and eat it; and how to help maintain it for many generations to come. This book should be on the shelf of anyone interested in ramps, because there is something in it for everyone, from the botanist to the farmer to the cook. As someone who has benefited greatly from Glen's knowlege, I am thrilled that he has documented it for all. Thank you Glen! Dr. Jeaninie Davis, Associate Professor and Extension Botanicals Program, Mountain State University, Beckley, WV