Katie Souza's The Healing School was ranked a #1 seller on the Sid Roth Show. This seven - CD series is full of cutting edge, fresh revelations!
DISC ONE - Katie teaches you about demonic kings that cause physical diseases, mental disorders and financial lack. Jesus said, "...no one can enter a strong man's house and carry off his possessions unless he first ties up the strong man. Then he can rob his house." Katie will show you the right order in which to fight the demonic kingdom.
DISC TWO - You will learn how to become a carrier of the presence of the King of kings - Jesus Christ! When you carry more of Him then every demonic king must bow the knee to King Jesus in you!
DISC THREE - You will learn how the condition of your soul affects every part of your life including your health and finances. Katie will show you how demonic kings are attached to wounds in your soul and how the Glory Light of Jesus is a supernatural tool that can heal your soul in an accelerated manner.
DISC FOUR- You will learn about Agag, the demonic king over witchcraft. This king can cause mental disorders such as bipolar disease. In this session, Katie proves biblically that Agag is attached to wounds in your soul formed by the sin of rebellion. You will also learn how the Glory Light of Jesus can heal mental and physical disorders!
DISC FIVE - You will get a revelation about Balak, the demonic king over curses. In Numbers 22-24, King Balak attempted to curse Israel. This same demonic king is cursing God's people today. Katie will show you how this king operates and how to remove him from every part of your life including your family, ministry, health, and even your finances!
DISC SIX - You will learn about three demonic kings who cause financial ruin. In this session,
Katie will release the king-killer-anointing against these tyrants then help you usher in supernatural increase into your home.