Healing With Herbs And Spices (Miracle Healers From The Kitchen Book 5)
In most modern kitchens, herbs and spices are the supporting actors in culinary endeavors. Without them, our meals would be relatively plain, and yet many people are afraid to experiment with the quantities and types of herbs and spices they use. Their nutritional value is often ignored, and their uses, outside of strictly culinary endeavors, are often overlooked. This book strives to change that by providing home cooks with comprehensive information regarding the use and flavor of herbs, their medicinal and nutritional properties, and even a little gardening information and folklore. You’ll be surprised how complex these food additives truly are, and what they can do to keep you and your family healthy!
The book is divided into five sections. In the first, we’ll go over the basic handling and storage of herbs and spices. Section two will provide a brief history of herbs and spices. They’ve helped to change the world in some significant ways, and we’ve done our best to provide some basic information on how and why they were – and are – so influential. Part three provides an alphabetized and handy reference on common herbs and spices. We’ve thrown in some details on a few up and coming flavors, and some popular spice and herb blends as well. The fourth section is a quick reference for common ailments and overall health. You’d be surprised how much herbs and spices can affect your well-being! We’ve even thrown in a small section on herbal first aid. Yes, you read that right! Herbal first aid kits are popular in many organic and natural products circles, but they are also easy to create at home, and make a great resource for every family. The book closes with a further reading section, categorized by type of resource. We used many of the references listed in our creation of this text, and have included others that we think are generally informative. This section is a great place to begin looking for more information on the medicinal and nutritional aspects of common culinary herbs.
We sincerely hope that this book is not only informative, but entertaining. It can change your life if you let it. Welcome to a new perspective on some of the oldest ingredients known to humanity!Part 1: Storage and Preparation of Herbs and Spices
The proper treatment and handling of herbs and spices can significantly affect their shelf life and flavor. If you’ve ever bought basil only to watch it wither and fade within hours, or opened a fairly new jar of cinnamon and found it lacking in flavor, you’ll appreciate the tips in this section. We haven’t gone into the fine details of herb and spice handling in general, but we do provide you with what we consider the essential background for every home cook.