HearthLand is a serial novel released in episodes. Volume Two is a compilation of Episodes 7-12
Taking a step back in time–deliberately.
After a trip to Walden Farm and an afternoon talking to Chad and Willow Tesdall, Ralph Myner caught a vision for what life could be like. Against the advice of his nephew, Ralph sinks his entire retirement account into an incredibly risky venture.
Harlan Walker thinks his uncle has gone crazy. With the project in motion, all he can do is try to find people to invest their time, money, and even their lives into Ralph’s project before the man ends up broke and without means to survive.
People come from all walks of life as they embrace a new world–the world of HearthLand.
In Volume 2, the physical community changes as Ralph begins construction and plans for expansion. But to his relief and excitement, the investors begin pouring in--eager to join an intentional community. A trip back to California shows just how much his life has changed and how much he has changed.