A heartless duke Leo, the Duke of Carlisle, is the leader of a secretbranch of the Home Office charged with keeping the peace amidst great peril andupheaval. By day, he hunts anarchists and murderers with savage intensity. Bynight, he rules over London's darkest, most depraved souls. But he's about tomeet his match in his latest prisoner. Â A fiery rebel Bridget O'Malley is a trusted member of the undergroundorganization to gain Irish independence. By day, she is a respectable youngwoman of modest means, attempting to make her way in the world through honestemployment. By night, she is embroiled in a world so treacherous and dangerouseven she finds her own life at risk. To save herself, she will commit any sin. Â An epic love When the heartless duke and the fiery rebel clash in afierce battle of wills, unexpected passions flare to life. Threats lurk atevery turn, and no one is as they seem. Will they be each other's ruin? Or islove enough to become their salvation?
READERS PLEASE TAKE NOTE: This book contains explicit language and scenes. All explicit language is researched for historical accuracy.