In this installment of Hello Kitty's Furry Tale Theater, Hello Kitty, Catnip, Sam, and other Hello Kitty characters star in four classic fairy tales. When the evil Sultana Catnip demands an extravagant rent from Grandpa Kitty in "Grinder Genie and the Magic Lamp," a magical genie conjures up the needed money, then provides Grandpa with the means of sweet revenge. Borrowing without asking spawns a series of broken Mother Goose rhymes in "Hello Mother Goose," and Hello Beauty discovers that true beauty exists within in "Kitty and the Beast." Finally, Little Red Bunny Hood travels to the Wild West to visit her grandmother in "Little Red Bunny Hood." In an odd twist, Bunny winds up saving the wolf, who then befriends Bunny and helps save Granny from a bank-robbing Belle Catnip. While Hello Kitty fans will no doubt delight in seeing their favorite characters onscreen, these familiar fairy tales fall flat in this format. (Ages 3 to 7) --Tami Horiuchi