Newton€s collection of portraits from the worlds of film, fashion, politics and culture can be considered a pantheon of VIP€s. But his work is a lot more besides. From his portraits, one can see that he would have most liked to be a Roman paparazzo €“ as he once admitted. Anyone who had a portrait made by him knew what the result would be, and by the 1980€s there were absolutely no €˜beautiful people€ in this world who did not want to be photographed by him! In front of his camera, both men and women peeled off their covers €“ literally as well as figuratively. His brilliant staged creations celebrate the attractiveness and prominence of his models as well as their vanity and imperfections. Newton€s top-quality work for major fashion journals and elitist art magazines is likewise first-class erotic art. This collection was first published by us in 1985.