To protect our brand, ensure the quality of products you get, each product shipped by HESHE will use non-woven bags for packaging.If you received a product without non-woven bags,It might be a fake one.
Material: Cow split leather
Split leather is the bottom layer after the splitting process. Splitting the hides thickness allows the same piece of leather to be sold as top grain and also as split. Obviously split leather doesn't have the same properties in feel or look so items stamped split leather should cost much less than full or top grain. Split leather also lacks the natural grain look of the top layer. However, it can be finished and embossed or buffed.It's more smooth,and can be made into any shape,so it soon win's customer's love
Size: 8.1"(L) x 4.3"(W) x 0.8"(H) in
Color:Black.Blue.Buff.Coco.Green.Jester Red.Orange.Rose.Sapphire.Violet.Yellow
Style:Casual style
Occasion:Dating,Working Place,Shopping,Traveling
We always believe details achievement success or failure.Close to HESHE in here,we give you unique commitment,our bag's quality and our service are industry leaders.HESHE genuine leather female bag is the thing you absolutely worth to have.It can show your choice of female glamour.
The real color of the bag may be slightly different between the photo and the actual item shown on website caused by many factors such as brightness of your monitor and light brightness. It is totally normal for any mistake owing to munual measurement.Cowhide material has natural leather smell,but it will be disappeare after you use in a few days.
If you need help or have any question,feel free to contract us.we will do our best to help you
Country | USA |
Brand | HESHE |
Department | womens |
Size | 8.1"(L) x 4.3"(W) x 0.8"(H) in |
ReleaseDate | 0000-00-00 |