Who is that guy?  You know the one: the actor who always shows up in movies as the rumpled police detective, or the stern but ineffectual high school principal, or the wiseguy mobster. What is that guy’s name? And where have you seen that woman before?  You’ll find them all in this exhaustive and entertaining guide to character actors whose faces you recognize but whose names you can never quite recall. Find their head shots in the photo section, or seek out their most common habitat—the hospital, the precinct, the suburbs, the courtroom, and more—to determine their identities. With Hey! It’s That Guy! you can impress your friends and confound your enemies by identifying everyone from Jeffrey Jones (the dean of students from Ferris Bueller’s Day Off) to Jennifer Coolidge (Stifler’s mom in American Pie) to Patrick Cranshaw (the really old guy from Old School) to Jane Adams (Niles’s plastic surgeon wife on Frasier).  With Hey! It’s That Guy! in your hands, you’ll never again wonder where you’ve seen that cop (or nurse, or executive) before!