"Unforgettable. This book will stay with me the rest of my life." Amazon reviewer Andreams
You can't turn on the TV or pick up a newspaper without seeing "gay" in a headline: from the issue of gay marriage boiling in the cauldron of politics and religion, to bullied gay teens tragically taking their own lives, to countries passing legislation making it a crime to be gay.
Few social issues ignite such passion from all sides. Â
For those who see homosexuality as immoral and a sin, the notion of gay marriage is intolerable.  For those who are gay, being excluded and shamed is simply intolerant. Â
Bryan Christopher's life has been spent straddling this great divide.
As a boy raised under the blinding Friday Night Lights of the Bible belt of Texas, from the playground to the pulpit one message was consistent: "queers" deserved to be smeared.  And at the dawn of puberty, Bryan knew he was in trouble: he was staring limply at the pages of his dad's Playboy.Â
That's when the hiding began.  And in his neck of the woods, it left him with one viable option: change.  Â
"Hiding from Myself: A Memoir" chronicles his zealous crusade: from ringing doorbells for Jesus in the Castro of San Francisco to sorting through Hugh Hefner's dirty laundry as a butler at the Playboy Mansion; from the beer-soaked trenches of his UCLA fraternity house to wholehearted immersion into "ex-gay" conversion therapy. Â
As Bryan walked the straight and narrow in Hollywood, he found the narrow path to have more twists and turns than he could ever have imagined...