Blue Ribbon for Crafts-Hipgirl 30yd 7/8" Grosgrain Fabric Ribbon Set For Gift Package Wrapping, Hair Bow Clips & Accessories, Sewing, Wedding Decor,Boy Girl Baby Shower-(6x5yd 7/8" Solid GG-Blue Tone)
- 7/8 inch(7 8 ribbon or 22mm thick ribbon) solid grosgrain cloth fabric ribbon for crafts are perfect for crafting, hairbow and bow tie making, use with cellophane wrap or wrapping paper for pholiday and birthday party gifts wrapping . High quality ribbon is constructed of a sturdy weave. Hold up under sewing, embroidering machine and glue gun usage. Can be used as hair ribbon for girls, tie bows on ponytail or pigtail; best material to cover the metal alligator clip or wrap baby girls headbands.
- All the colors are cute and vibrant. Use with tulle rolls and crochet headbands to match every outfit. Each ribbon is long enough to cut in half to make two hair ribbons for pigtails. A great set for crafts, hair decorations, matching felt flowers, wedding and party favors, making hairbows and DIY headband. 100% polyester fabric ribbon (cintas de tela para manualidades). Machine washable, colorfast.
- 5 yds each Color. We also carry: black ribbon, brown, cream, thin white ribbon, purple, light orchid ( lavender ), navy, royal, lt blue ribbon, emerald, apple green, baby maize, tangerine, lt pink ribbon, hot pink ribbon, shocking pink, red and green ribbon (Christmas ribbon), yellow gold, turquoise and daffodil (yellow ribbon). Great rainbow ribbon for ribbon dancer wand and all your projects.
- Soft thin fabric ribbon set is perfect for dressmakers, designers, decorators, brides and crafters. Grosgrain ribbon is great for clothing, hair bows (listones para moños del pelo), ribbon hair ties, hair flowers, hair accessories, craft ribbon items, internal decorating and Christmas gift ribbon. Also perfect to use with cotton webbing and twill tape for key fobs, pet leash, collars. Great price for wholesale bulk ribbon.
- Unlike floral curling ribbon, all grosgrain ribbon, elastic ribbon, satin ribbon, sheer organza ribbon and fold over elastic ends need to be sealed to prevent from fraying so no loose strings. Just swipe the ribbon ends through candle flame, it'll do the trick. For other methods, please google "0.5--Seal Ribbon Ends - Hip Girl Clips" to find the tutorials
Our Product
HipGirl brand assorted colors solid grosgrain ribbon. Pick one to match your outfit. 100% polyester fabric ribbon, Machine washable, colorfast. Perfect for craft, sewing, scrapbooking, internal decorating, matching hair flowers, DIY headband, wedding party favors, hair bow and hairbow tie making and Christmas, holiday, birthday party gifts wrapping. Great for women, girls, newborn, babies. High quality ribbon is constructed of a sturdy weave. Hold up under sewing, embroidering machine and glue gun usage. Can be used as hair ribbon for braids, tie bows on ponytail or pigtail; best material to cover the metal alligator clip or wrap baby girls headbands.
Special Orders Available Upon Request
Don't see the colors you need? Only want some of the colors? Contact us for a customized order. We have a lot more in stock.
About Us
Hip Girl Boutique LLC began in 2005 and has grown and flourished over more than a decade. We strive to offer high quality products and attentive services. Our products span a wide range of interests: ribbon, bows and metal hair clips (craft supplies); pre-made hair accessories, craft show and retail necessities; nail art supplies... HipGirl is a registered trademark. We posted hundreds of free tutorials online. They are easy to follow. The cute DIY projects make perfect gifts. To check out more tutorials, just Google "hipgirlclips Free How To's".