History of the Balkans. From the Earliest Times to 1919
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History of the Balkans. From the Earliest Times to 1919
"This book is concerned with the story of man on the southeastern projection of Europe, known as the Balkan peninsula. For practical purposes the story begins with the Greeks, because the Greeks, though not the original inhabitants of the peninsula, were the first to leave a clear record of themselves and their neighbors. From the Hellenic period, when the mists hiding the land from view begin to lift, to the twentieth century of the Christian era is a span of about three thousand years. During that long stretch of time what migrations, wars, settlements, worships, and civilizations make their appearance in the deep perspective of Balkan history! What peoples march across the soil, fair-haired, strong-limbed warriors clothed in skins, succeeded by dark, bronzed men, curved over the backs of horses and alert for plunder! An epic tale is about to engage our attention..." - Ferdinand Schevill
Contents: The Epochs of Balkan History. The Geography of the Balkan Peninsula. The Greek and Roman Epochs of Balkan History. The Age of Justinian. The Slav and Mongolian Invasions. New Persian Wars and the Rescue of the Empire by Heraclius. The Slavs. The Coming of the Arabs and the Rescue of the Empire by Leo the Isaurian. The Coming of the Bulgars. The Creation of the Bulgar State and Its Greatness under Boris and Simeon. The Byzantine Empire at Its Height under the Basilian Dynasty (867-1056). The Decline of the Byzantine Empire and Its Overthrow by the Fourth Crusade. The Serb Empire of the Fourteenth Century. Mt. Athos. The Bogumil Heresy. The Latin States on Hellenic Soil. The Republic of Ragusa. The Coming of the Ottoman Turks. The Second Century of the Ottomans: the Conquest of Constantinople and the Consolidation of the Ottoman Empire in Europe. The Ottoman Empire at Its Height. The Ottoman Institutions and Society. The Beginning of Ottoman Decay. Europe Assumes the Offensive against the Ottoman Empire. The Ottoman Empire in the Era of the French Revolution and Napoleon Bonaparte. A Survey of the Ottoman Empire at the Beginning of the Nineteenth Century. The Serb Revolt and the Founding of the Serb State. The Revolt of the Greeks and the Founding of the Greek Kingdom. Continued Decay of the Ottoman Empire. First Attempts at Reform. The Crimean War (1854-56). The Affairs of Moldavia and Wallachia and the Founding of the Rumanian State. Between Two Wars: Balkan Developments from the Treaty of Paris to the Turco-Russian War of 1877. The Turco-Russian War (1877) and The Congress of Berlin (1878). The Making of Bulgaria. Sultan Abdul Hamid II. New Phases of Ottoman Decay: Armenia, Crete, Macedonia. New Phases of European Policy. The Bagdad Railway. The Turkish Revolution of 1908. The Annexation of Bosnia and the European Crisis of 1908. Domestic Policy of the Young Turks. Revolt of Albania. New Ottoman Wars: the War with Italy (1911); the First Balkan War (1912); the Second Balkan War (1913). The Great War and the Balkan Peninsula. The Peace, and After. The Balkan Peninsula and the Near East: the Newest Phase of an Ancient Problem.