HIT THE GROUND RUNNING The First Years of Your Acting Career Most how-to books are written by one or two writers, yet there are many ways actors become successful. Carolyne Barry has written a book that incorporates the opinions and suggestions from an array of successful, knowledgeable and highly respected industry professionals. HIT THE GROUND RUNNING offers the most information, insights, warnings and techniques to empower and guide the new actor: - Month-by-month two year plan - The major entertainment markets - Personal tools - ALL the expenses - Auditioning and booking acting work - Determining your type; - Effective pictures and resumes - Interning - Marketing - Cover letters - Union membership - Academic vs. Professional training - Choosing teachers and types of training - Best actor survival jobs - Money and time saving tips - Creating a career - Packaging you as the product - Experience auditions - Securing agents and managers - Networking - Essential business tools - Building confidence - PLUS extensive, valuable tips and techniques for commercial and theatrical auditions HIT THE GROUND RUNNING has the information actors need to start your acting career! It is the essential book for the new actor