Hobbyzone Cowl: Corsair S
HobbyZone Clear Canopy & Painted Pilot w/Hatch: Corsair S
Hobbyzone Horizontal Tail w/Accessories: Corsair S
ParkZone Motor Mount with Screws: T-28 F4U P-47
ParkZone Propeller: 9.5 x 7.5
ParkZone SV80 Long Lead 3-wire servo: T28
HobbyZone HBZ8208 Pushrods Withclevis Corsair S RC Vehicle Parts
ParkZone 3-Blade Propeller: 9 x 7.5
HobbyZone Landing Gear and Gear Doors: Corsair S
ParkZone DSV130 3-Wire Digital Servo Metal Gear