Holvon Anti Snoring Chin Strap - Snore Reduction Adjustable Snore Relief Aid - Sleep Aid Device - Chin Strap Snore Stopper - Snoring Solution Sleep Aid for Men & Women
Are you a mouth breather? Most mouth breathers have many problems .They tend to snore and dry mouth and it most of the time leads you to having cold . The reason is, you sleep with your mouth open. Our chin strap will help your mouth closed while you sleep. Of course, it isn't a pleasant experience because it forcibly closes your mouth. So we had considered to eliminate discomfort during sleep. We adapted flexible mesh fabrics which feel soft gentle breathable on the skin. The jaw part is made up of a 3D design. This will fix your mouth with soft tightening. We adopted elements which are very epic-making to this product field at this point far. Please try this! GOOD SLEEPING STRAP will provide a long-lasting and secure fit that won't interrupt your good night's sleep! We have adapted a high-elasticity narrow width strap made possible by Japan's latest technology. Unlike conventional chin straps in the market, ours have a higher stretch-recovery rate. This is made possible by heavy-duty mesh fabric imbued with covering yarn and cushion material. All results from the 7500 test by DeMattia Flexing Fatigue Tester have showed consistent elasticity retention. Still not convinced? Here are a few more features to help you make a decision: ✅ Made from flexible & breathable mesh fabric ✅ Wicks sweat with CPAP nasal mask ✅ Does not leave your face sore from painful strap marks ✅ Registered medical product by the FDA and patented in Japan