How To Build Your Own Horse Jumps
You know how it starts, you go to a few horse shows and see the beautiful jump courses set up. They are perfect. Even the ground is raked perfectly, almost in harmony with how the jumps are set up. You begin dreaming of how you are going to have your own jump course,just like this one at your barn. You go to your favorite search engine, type in horse jumps and anxiously await for the result. When you click on the first link, you can almost see the jumps in your arena, until you see the price. Having your own horse jumps doesn't have to break your bank account. You can have professional, quality horse jumps at a very inexpensive price. With this book and a few tools, you can make your own high quality jumps for not a lot of money. The book will show you how to make schooling standards, wing standards, gates, planks and flower boxes. You will also learn a great very low cost options for wooden rails. All of the jumps we will show you how to make are made from wood, no PVC jumps here, sorry. The jumps you will be able to create are sturdy and strong. They will withstand the weather without having to bring them in at night, or the first threat of rain. In this book you will learn how to make a complete jump for less than $25.00. You will see how easy it is to make a complete course of six jumps for less than $300.00. Yes, you can make a complete set of horse jumps for less than if you were to purchase one brand new jump. Building your own horse jumps shows how easy it is to make horse jumps with step by step instructions. Full color pictures walk you through the process, step by step in creating horse jumps. Get ready to be pleasantly surprised at just how easy it is to make your own horse jumping equipment!