This Ebook will take you through everything you need to know to build simple to advanced fireworks, as well as the chemicals you will need to make them.
Tired of having to risk your life by following the dangerous advice from online sources? Some of the guides out there are just plain dangerous! Finally, a source of accurate and safe instructions for all the chemicals you need for the most spectacular fireworks show.
This easy to follow guide was written for those without an in depth knowledge of chemistry or physics. It is now easier to follow, cheaper to build, and contains tons of photos.
1160+ People are now using these methods from this Ebook!
Here's a sample of the projects you'll be confident in after reading this book:
Make colored smoke bombs for paintball and more.
The Ninja Contact Smoke Bomb: A flash of light, a puff of smoke and you're gone!
Colored smoke bombs.
Homemade waterproof Visco and cannon fuse. (Pennies per foot)
HOW TO BLOW FIRE! -- Without putting gas in your mouth!
Making German Blackhead or bright Aluminum Powder in any mesh you want! ($1.60/lb)
Make fine and pure Potassium Nitrate ($1.15/lb)
Make Potassium Perchlorate and most other Chlorates and Perchlorates (for $1.50/lb)
Thermite from scratch: Includes underwater thermite and grenade thermate
Fundamental methods of black powder
Top 15 Flash Powder Recipes. Perfect for fireworks, noise makers, movie effects and more
Homemade rockets
How to Make Copper Oxide for exploding Thermite
How to Make Barium Nitrate (All green fireworks need this, but it can't be shipped!)
How to make Iron Oxide for Thermite
How to make safe mini rockets with matches
How to Make Sparklers: Different colors, shapes and sizes
How to Make Strontium Nitrate: This alone with save you plenty in shipping
Make stars for roman candles and shells
Roman candles in any size
Make your own dextrin for pennies
Build a remote ignitor -- Never light a fuse again!
Homemade Nitric Acid and Sulfuric Acid (Save Hundreds with this chapter!)
Flash Paper and Flash Cotton for special effects, magic, and fireworks. ($0.15 per sheet)
30+ Page formula index -- make anything you would buy or see on the 4th of July.
Free Magic Tricks included -- Just because I think they are cool :-)
Frequently asked questions:
Are the projects hard?
They are arranged from easy to more advanced. Follow them in order and you'll be a pro in no time! But remember, Safety First!
This Ebook will take you through everything you need to know to build simple to advanced fireworks, as well as the chemicals you will need to make them!