How Video Works has been a bible for professionals in the video world since 1985. It offers easy to understand explanations of the entire world of video. A complete guide from analog video to all the new digital technologies, including HD, compression, and encoding. This book is a must-have for any broadcast or video production department. It is also perfect for the new video technician or non-tech creative professional who is just beginning to discover the digital world. Update your library with the brand new version of an industry standard.
* Now with full-color image section! * Complete explanation of the new ATSC digital and HDTV video and audio standards * New sections on optical media and fiber optics, updated MPEG material * In-depth coverage of the new Broadband and cell phone standards * Extensive explanation of new digital test signals and measurements * A hands-on approach to learning about video recording, transmission, and playback. * Complete glossary of terms covering both analog and digital video