Michael Langford created two online groups. One of those groups is the Eternal Bliss Yahoo Group. The Eternal Bliss Group is a newsletter type group. Only Michael Langford posts messages at that group. The Eternal Bliss Group is not a discussion group. The Eternal Bliss Group is a very large group with more than two thousand members. Michael Langford usually does not reply to questions or emails either from members of the public in general or from members of the Eternal Bliss Group. The other online group that Michael Langford created is a small, by invitation only group with less than 30 members. The name of that group is the Infinite Awareness Group. The members of the Infinite Awareness Group have one or more of the following books as their primary spiritual focus: 1. The Seven Steps to Awakening. 2. The Direct Means to Eternal Bliss. 3. Experience Your Perfect Soul. 4. One or more books in The Self Realization Series. Michael Langford does reply to most questions at the Infinite Awareness Group. Most of the material in Part One of this book How to Practice the Teachings is from the posts at the small, by invitation only, Infinite Awareness Group. Part Two of this book How to Practice the Teachings are eight Teaching Stories created by Michael Langford for the purpose of revealing to spiritual aspirants what the impostor self usually prevents them from seeing.