How to Rekindle an Unhappy Marriage: Overcome Resentment and Regain the Trust You Need (The Marriage Guide Series Book 3)
Is resentment and lack of trust destroying your marriage? Does it seem you've tried everything to fix your relationship and you're starting to give up hope? If so, don't give up yet.
In book three of The Marriage Guide Series, relationship experts Beth Banning and Neill Gibson will help you learn a completely new approach to overcome resentment in your marriage and to rebuild the essential trust that will help you experience the many years of happiness you always hoped for.
"This work has clarified so many assumptions we learn about relating and gave me practical distinctions to open myself to limitless possibilities of caring, connecting, and love." ~ Tamara Sirotenko
In this book you will discover how to:
• Break the cycle of resentment and start to rebuild trust immediately.
•Identify and resolve the patterns that keep you stuck in fear, doubt, and anger.
• Eliminate the root cause of problems so you can stop repeating the same arguments.
• Create a safe space to discuss emotionally charged issues.
• Finally get all the love and respect you've always wanted.
• And much, much more!
This book offers specific steps you can take right now that will eliminate any barrier between you and the lasting love you've always dreamed of — and deserve! Take action now and start healing your marriage today.