Getting a review written about a gig, a play, a musical, an exhibition or ANYTHING you love to see means getting FREE stuff! Did you know that reviewers that go to shows and write about them later often get 2 GREAT free tickets plus interval drinks?
As well as seeing their name in print, some critics also go on to get paid for their reviews all whilst sharing their love of theatre.
Which is all well and good but how do you write a review?
You may think who am I to write a review? Find your writers voice with easy exercises in this book that also shows you how to write a killer headline for your review.
But how do you get the review written quickly?
Truthfully it can take all night. I know, I’ve written 300 and counting and some made the Guardian newspaper. But you need to get it up the same evening so you get all the traffic when people search for it.
So how do you get it done quickly?
This book will show you how to write a good review and get it done fast.
This book covers how to take notes in the darkness of the theatre that you’re going to be able to use later and how to turn those into a review. How to make your decision, your verdict and your score. Great questions to ask in a post show Q and A. Things to look for in a theatre tour that you can include in reviews. How to get your review noticed and how to work your way into getting into a national newspaper as I have done.