Hudson Taylor was a sickly child. He was often ill and had very poor eyesight. But God chose him to evangelise the Chinese. So at the age of 21 Hudson Taylor left the United Kingdom to sail half way round the world to China. Why did he do this? He did it to tell the Chinese people about the good news of Jesus Christ and to give them a message of hope. This story covers Hudson's childhood and traumatic teenage years as well as his life as well-known pioneer missionary. We see him in facing sickness, poverty, heartache and death and we see him trusting in God throughout. When in China he became like the Chinese in his dress and manner, which ostracised him from the other missionaries. He did eventually find love but difficulties did not end there as Hudson and his wife Maria saw some of their own children die and then eventually Maria herself died. This is a story of Romance and family ties but also of the amazing things that God can do through one person who is entirely given over to the cause of Christ. Includes thinking further topics.
"Hudson Taylor is a fascinating character for teenagers. Not only did he struggle through his own teenage years, as a young man he gets up to quite a few hair-raising escapades. If it weren't so dangerous, it would almost be laughable when you read about how he tried to dye is hair in the 'Chinese Style'. He used chemicals and a bucket and almost killed himself. But the blonde hair became black eventually (complete with pigtail and Hudson was amongst one of the first missionaries to really integrate culturally. He's a real hero of mine and I'd love him to be yours." Catherine MacKenzie ~ Author and CF4K Editor
If you like this, you'll love this: Again there is an option for the younger reader in the Little Lights series. The title: Could somebody pass the salt? takes the reader from Hudson Taylor's early childhood through to his adventures in China. Maria Taylor, Hudson Taylor's wife, is also included in Ten Girls who made a difference by Irene Howat. Catherine MacKenzie ~ Author and CF4K Editor