The Ax Book: The Lore and Science of the Woodcutter
Hults Bruk American Felling Axe
Hults Bruk Aneby, Stout Medium Sized Axe
BeaverCraft Hook Knife Wood Carving SK2 Long Knives Spoon Carving Tools 1.2'' Long Handle 12'' Spoon Knife Wood Carving Tools Bowl Kuksa Carving Tool Double-Edged Crooked Knife
Hults Bruk Akka Foresters Premium Outdoor Axe
BeaverCraft Wood Carving Hook Knife SK1 for Carving Spoons Kuksa Bowls and Cups Spoon Carving Tools Basic Crooked Knife for Professional Spoon Carvers and Beginners (Right-Handed Hook Knife)
Morakniv Wood Carving Hook Knife 164 with Sandvik Stainless Steel Blade, 0.5-Inch Internal Radius
Catahoula Manufacturing #36 Tarred Braided Nylon Twine Bank Line, 138', Black, One Size
The Trapper's Bible: The Most Complete Guide on Trapping and Hunting Tips Ever
Hults Bruk Almike Small All Purpose Hatchet